BPE Global Hot Topic – December 2019
What a Year

2019 was the fastest, biggest, life changing, unpredictable year that most of us have ever experienced. On the business front, more things happened in one year for global trade compliance than has happened in my entire career. And on the personal front, BPE Global experienced huge life events throughout the year.
We have all grown and adjusted to the speed and huge changes relating to global trade compliance over this past year. And it only seems to inspire us to do more and to make meaningful change. We have been engaging in global trade compliance for decades. We bring a lot of experience, loving what we do, helping companies solve big, global issues and we enjoy our jobs every day. What we won’t do is accept what’s happening with global trade today as the new normal.
In 2020, we will continue to show everyone a path forward and out of today’s trade wars. We’ve been doing this for a long time and will continue to make an impact, one company at a time. The U.S. is the best in the world and U.S. corporations want to be good corporate citizens and together – we can solve the issues that the current trade wars and tariffs are causing. We can show you the way, we just ask that you join us as we progress towards a better way of protecting U.S. people and businesses.
I must thank our great BPE Global team and their families for creating such a wonderful business. At BPE Global, our lives and work are not very far apart. Even though this year flew by, each of our hearts were impacted in immense ways – deeper than we would have ever imagined. While we get to work with the best people in the world and share in their lives, this has been a very rough year. Our hearts still hurt from our communal loss. But on the heels of that loss, new life has brought joy to our team. And we all are celebrating a magnificent marriage - love conquers all.
I want to thank our amazing clients for trusting us to support them. Our clients have engaged us in challenging, innovative and cutting-edge projects. We have been able to collaborate with fantastic people and have had fun doing it.
And a huge thanks to our great partners who enable us to do what we love. We will continue to promote the importance of global trade compliance without it getting underfoot of company’s global successes.
The biggest lesson that I learned this year is that it all goes too fast. Don’t let work get in the way of enjoying your life and truly engaging with the people that surround you. We will always find solutions to the challenges that we face every day. The priority should be caring for our hearts and the hearts of the people you care for. That is the only way that we can bring certainty to our fast-paced world.
We hope that you have a very happy holiday season and we look forward to working on amazing and challenging projects with you next year. So, from all of us at BPE Global, we say goodbye 2019 and bring it on 2020!!!
BPE Global is a global trade consulting and training firm. Beth Pride is the President of BPE Global. You can reach Beth by email at beth@bpeglobal.com or by phone at 1-415-845-8967.